Monday, November 15, 2010

President Bush...Dragon Age inspiration?

The bulk of production during the making of Dragon Age: Origins was done during President Bush's presidency over the United States, and of course, the war in Iraq was in motion at the time.  When one considers this, knowing the story of Dragon Age: Origins, a parallel can be drawn between President Bush, and the primary antagonist of Dragon Age Teyrn Loghain.

Teyrn Loghain (the bad guy in Dragon Age)
At the start of the story, Loghain is your ally.  The player first encounters Loghain at Ostagar, a Grey Warden stronghold.  He is introduced as a General in King Cailan's army, and is shown to show personal and political resentment towards the king.  Shortly after meeting him, he abandons the king and the Grey Wardens during a crucial moment in battle against the dark spawn.  This leads to the death of all the king's forces in addition to the death of all Grey Wardens, save the player and Alistair.  After this, he declares all Grey Wardens to be traitors to the king, and declares war on the Grey Wardens.

To be continued in my next blog post

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