Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dragon Age II Worry

Lately, BioWare hasn't really revealed many specifics about Dragon Age II.  This is leading to all sorts of internet rumors on the subject, such as that the game is completely different, one went so far as to say that the new game will be a hack and slash type game, which is complete nonsense.  

However, a recent develop diary released clear up some of these worries.  A "Making of Dragon Age II" video was recently released on the internet.  It shows that the developers have the player's best interest at heart, showing similar gameplay to the first game.  
They go into detail explaining how the new story will work, how the combat differs and such.  They admit that changes make some older fans nervous, the they have high hopes for it.  And after watching that Developer Diary, I have no doubt that Dragon Age II will live up to its hype.

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