Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Warden Becomes King

One of the most satisfying conclusions to the Landsmeet is that the Warden becomes king.  However, this is not easy to arrange, and takes some careful planning to ensure that it happens.

The Warden as King (the warden appears differently to each player)
First of all, the Warden can only be considered for the throne if he is a human noble.  If he is not, there is no chance for him to become king.  In addition to this, the Warden needs to put the idea into Anora's mind for marriage the first time they meet through conversation.  If this is not achieved, the Warden will not become king.  If all of these are met, and the Warden chooses not to execute Loghain personally, the Warden will be able to assume the throne by marrying Anora.

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